Stein holding competition
Maybe you have seen this game already during Oktoberfest in Munich. All you have to do is to rise your mug with a straight arm in a 90° angle as long as you can. If you want to impress your competitors do not forget to smile. And if you loose don’t worry – just empty your stein and let German beer do its magic!
Masskrug – beer stein holding contest
Hard work – beer mug holding
In Germany, a beer stein or beer mug is often referred to as a “Bierkrug”. The term “stein” is derived from the German word “Steinzeugkrug,” which is a stoneware jug or tankard. However, it’s not a term typically used in Germany itself.
A traditional Bierkrug is typically made of stoneware and sometimes decorated with relief work or painted scenes that often relate to beer, the region, or historical events. Some of these steins have a hinged pewter lid that can be lifted with the thumb, a design that originated during the time of the bubonic plague to promote good hygiene while drinking. However, today, many beer mugs used in German beer halls and at Oktoberfest are made of glass.
In Southern Germany, particularly in Bavaria, you might hear the term “Maß” (pronounced “mahs”), which is a large beer mug used primarily for serving lagers at beer festivals like Oktoberfest. A Maß holds one liter of beer.
It’s worth noting that in the Rhineland, you’ll often be served “Kölsch” beer in a much smaller, thin, cylindrical glass known as a “Stange”, while in Düsseldorf, the local “Altbier” is served in a small, thicker glass known as an “Altbierglas”. The specific beer culture and traditions can vary greatly within different regions of Germany.
This site: German beer stein (mug) holding competition/contest